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Essay 4

Name: Sphesihle Sindisiwe Jobe

School: Mqbandleni High School,

Private Bag 629, Ubombo, 3970


The main environmental issues facing on out coast and how will being part of the expedition benefit me and my community.

In out coast nature is destroyed and wildlife because the community like to hunt too much, while they are hunting don’t think that they destroy nature. They hunt in forest as well as in the game reserve so as they hunt every where they destroy every wild life so I will being part of the expedition by telling out chief or inkosi ther he calls a community to the meeting.

We shell deal about it is not good to destroy nature. Because we need to do nature conservation in our area. And our generation will need to see the different types of animals and their habitat so if they exploit it our generation will know nothing about wild life. And if we have different types of wild life in our community to see our Nature and that will bring more in come into the country.

If people the community can know the importance of Nature Conservation, they can help develop.

Poverty is one factor which force people to poach and overuse natural resources. They need fish for consumer or consumption and selling. They do not have work shops where they leave about fishing and conserving wild life.

We are doing a great job by telling People about the important of conserving out Natural resources.

As a member of Bhekimvelo environment an club I am involved in telling people to care for nature.

Our kits are offering oversea clients the chance to hunt predators especially highly endangered. The kill a animals falls prey to ….. hunters. Animals welfare organisation bay, this is hunting technically illegal under the animals protection act, because it has tell they manager and the (NSPCA) Poachers who have been caught hunting with dogs out are permission or a land owner are charged with illegal destroyed diserepancies and traditional between high paying overseas hunters and traditional hunters usually called poach…

…We need to solve the problem in countries telling our poachers or the people to stop the hunters animals and we need to help wild life.

At Kwamauku there is shortage of Natural vegetation because there are cuting the Natural Vegetation like forestry’s, bush and trees because they want to plant the alien plant Like Gum Trees so they don’t need those trees. Poverty is one factor which force people to poach and overuse Natural Resources. They need root & tree for consumption and selling. They do not have workshops where they learn about root & trees and bark & trees and conserving wild life.

We are doing a great job by telling people about the importance of conserving our Natural resources. As a member of Bhekimvelo environmental club I am involved in telling people to care of nature.

I need to solve they problem in the community because they nature is important.

If you are solve they problem you are good nature and KwaJobe Area. And they nature is many but IF you are animals it s must reproduction because is no one hunting the animals. They ask the member of Bhekimvelo Environmental Club to involved in telling people to care of nature.

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